About me
I am an actress, educated at The Danish National School of Theatre and resident in Frederiksberg. Alongside my acting career, I have gratuated as an NLP coach, NLP psychotherapist, ‘Kunstgrebsinnovatør’ (Fine Arts Innovator) and Auteur. You can read more about my profile and my theater and film productions on this page.
Personal data
Background & skills
Born: February 21st 1970
Nationality: Danish/ Greek
Languages: Fluent in Danish, Greek and English. Knowledge of German and French.
Special skills: Driving licence (B) and Sailorcertificate
Physical characteristics
Height: 1,67
Weight: 55 kg
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Blue
Voice: Alto
Educated from The Danish National School of Theatre, 1991-95.
NLP-coach / NLP-psychotherapist
Danish NLP institute, 2002-06 / 2006-10 (
‘Kunstgrebsinnovatør’ (Fine Art Innovator)
Kunstgreb, 2011 (
Odsherred at Scenekunstens Udviklingscenter, 2012-13 (
Awards & Grants
Reumert nomination
– for best female ensemble role in Zinkdrengene, Husets Theater, 2021
– for best female lead for Medea/Clean, Husets Theater, 2017
– to The Eagle for the World’s Best Foreign TV-series, DR, 2005
Karen Berg’s Honorary Grant – 2019
Karen Berg’s Honorary Grant – 2009
Georg Philips Legate – 2000
About Phaedra: ”The eyes flash and fill with tears of despair, while desperation shines from her. Marina Bouras is absolutely masterful in the title role, playing with a passionate non-commitment that takes our breath away. Her thin and bony body writhes in jealousy, remorse and a quivering thirst for revenge from end to end. She lets Phaedra permeate her entire corpus, so that we can feel the wild range of emotions she goes through, right down to the bones. Every scream and every declaration of love sticks. Bouras is Phaedra.”
About Phaedra: “Marina Bouras is made for the role. Tense as a spring in the slender body. Reaching out for the desired, writhing after the rejection, screaming for revenge, hissing out her monstrous shame. False to Theseus, but in the end true to her desire. Again chiseled as the image of statuary pain.”
About Phaedra: “…a fantastic acting performance by Marina Bouras. Silently, she alternates between the sly and calculating queen mother, who lies and plots, and the hopelessly madly in love, who burns with unrequited longing and bitter hypocrisy. A natural force of self-destruction. She generously uses her entire slender stature as an image of the changing moods, the desire, the monumental jealousy, the thirst for revenge and the shame that permeates every fiber of the tortured woman’s body.”
About Boys in Zink: “With a stone face and dead eyes, she became the epitome of the horrors of war as the mother whose son had fallen in Afghanistan. Her hands scraped down her cheeks as if she were trying to peel away the sadness. The traumatized body trembled desperately and in agony. Inconsolable and unforgettable.”
About Phaedra: “Marina Bouras is fabulous in the tragic lead role in Phaedra at Husets Theater. She has a radiance like an apparition: Creepy, skinless, trembling – and completely out of reach.”
Artist CV
Read more about my works in theatre, film and television
TITLE PART YEAR DIRECTOR The Hanging Girl Crazy-Marie 2022 Ole Christian Madsen The One Who Lives Quietly Annette 2022 Puk Grasten Anti Frede´s mom 2016 Morten BH Tordenskiold and Kold Edele Kaas 2015 Henrik Ruben Genz The Shooter Marianne 2013 Annette K. Olesen This is Love (German) Sekretær 2009 Matthias Glasner Green Hearts Sigrid 2006 Preben Lorentzen Strings (voice) Jhinna 2004 Anders Rønnow Klarlund The Leap Ida 2004 Henning Carlsen Eyes of Night (græsk) Claire 2003 Pericles Hoursoglou See the Light of Day Irene 2003 Wikke & Rasmussen Angel of the Light Tanja 1999 Shaky Gonzales Misery Harbour Rose 1999 Nils Gaup I Wonder Who’s Kissing You Now The Blond 1998 Henning Carlsen The Idiots Axel’s wife 1998 Lars von Trier TV
TITLE PART YEAR DIRECTOR Love and Anarchy Vivianne 2021 Lisa Langseth Daddy Rie 2020 Sofie Jo Kaufmanas, Mette Søndergaard Nielsen Outlaw Investigator 2020 Laurits Flensted-Jensen Thin Ice Christine 2019 Cecilie Mosli When The Dust Has Settled Marianne 2019 Milad Alami m.fl. Deception Judge 2018 Gustav Møller The Rain Sarah’s mom 2018 Søren Balle Ditte & Louise Maria 2015 Niclas Bendixen Dicte II Jeanette 2014 Jesper W. Nielsen The Eagle Marie Wied 04-06 Niels Arden Oplev m.fl. Unit 1 Ditte 2004 Ole Christian Madsen Hjerteafdelingen Anne 2002 Niels Anders Thorn Skjulte spor Margrethe 2000 Martin Miehe Renard m.fl. Åh Yrsa og Valdemar Yrsa’s mom 1999 Anette Tony Hansen Deep Water Jenny 1999 Ole Bornedal Fikumdik Cæcilie 1997 Uffe Rørbæk Taxa Rikke 1997 Rumle Hammerich m.fl. Circle of Desire Susanne 1996 Claus Bjerre En fri mand Susanne 1995 Daniel Alfredson Theater
TITEL ROLLE ÅR INSTRUKTØR / TEATER Boys in Zink Mothers, Nurse 2023 Andreas Dawe, Turne i Danmark, Akut 360 Phaedra Phaedra 2022 Anja Behrens, Husets Teater Boys in Zink Mothers, Nurse 2021 Andreas Dawe, Husets Teater og Akut 360 I Love Dick Chris Kraus 2019 Jens Albinus, Husets Teater Revolt she said, Revolt again Marina 2018 Jens Albinus, Marina Bouras, Husets Teater The Bald Soprano Mrs Martin 2017 Maria Vinterberg, Teatret ved Sorte Hest Clean, based on Medea Marina 2016 Jens Albinus, Husets Teater Please Continue (Hamlet) Gertrud 2016 Jan Duyvendak, Teater Nordkraft I Disappear I 2015 Annika Silkeberg, Århus Teater Peggy Pickit sees the Face of God Karin 2013 Simon Boberg, Husets Teater 2200 Carmen Birgitte 2009 Søren Iversen, Nørrebro Teater LODPCOF Signe-Stine 2006 Thomas Bendixen / Mammutteatret på K2 Stolthed er kolossal Sanne, Stine 2006 Christoffer Berdal / Mammutteatret på Plan B The Arabian Night Franziska 2004 Inger Eilersen / Husets Teater The Bald Soprano (re-opening) Mrs Martin 2003 Maria Walbom / Teatret ved Sorte Hest The Bald Soprano Mrs Martin 2002 Maria Walbom / Teatret ved Sorte Hest Seranade Bride, Diva 2002 Inger Eilersen / Husets Teater The Misanthrope Eliante 2001 Søren Iversen / Husets Teater In a Year of Thirteen Moons Zora 2000 Henrik Sartou / Mammutteatret Siska Susse 2000 Christoffer Berdal / Café Teatret Natløberne Vera 2000 Christoffer Berdal / Teatret ved Sorte Hest Cut Up Mona 1999 Peter Reichhardt m.fl./Mungo Park Billedmagerne Tora 98-99 Søren Iversen / Århus Teater Closer Alice 1998 Rhea Lehman / Det Kongelige Teater Allergi-trilogi Kristina, Brud 1997 Gerz Feigenberg / Mammutteatret The Father Bertha 1996 Emmet Feigenberg / Det Danske Teater Hvide løgne Linette 1996 Bina Hjort / Nørrebro Teater The Miser Elise 1996 Dag Malmberg & Susanne Halvares / Nørrebro Teater Short film
TITEL ROLLE ÅR INSTRUKTØR Echo Else 2020 Jonas Kyed Over Country and City Frida 2019 Ari Alexander Cinde-Fucking-Rella Franciska 2018 Anna Louise P. Amargós China Sandra 2018 Tobias Gundorff Boesen When It Strikes Hanne 2018 Rikke Louise Schjødt Give Everything Mette 2018 Caroline Eriksson Mother and Son Mother 2018 Peter Ahlén A Worthy Man Hanne 2017 Kristian Håskjold Half Man Marina 2016 Frederik Louis Hviid The Coach Mother 2009 Lars Mikkelsen Money Go Round (Greek) Anna 2003 Petros Nousias The Perfect Moment (Greek) Maria 2003 Louizos Aslanidis Tilfældige forbindelser Karin 2000 Claus Plough Hændeligt uheld Mette 1999 Jørgen Fauerskov Værsgo’ skat Lisa 1999 Folmer Jensen Forskud 2000 Iben 1999 Folmer Jensen At the End of the World 1999 Anders R. Klarlund Chock 4 – Liftarflickan (Swedish) Anne 1997 Per Fly Latino Kristine 1996 Shaky Gonzales Café Hector Henriette 1995 Lotte Svendsen Jacobs liste Helle 1995 Lars Mortensen Lille John Sus 1995 Jens Arentzen Mappen Katja 1995 Lars Kaalund Writer/Director